Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One Word Can Make You an Idiot

So I was watching some Youtube this morning and ran across a rather humorous video about a bunch of reporters hanging around discussing how they wouldn't run a story about John McCain calling his wife a cunt. (Link is down below at the end) Now, I know what you're all thinking...."Haha Sean, yes cunt is a word that will make you sound like an idiot and John McCain is certainly that. Hooray for another political post!" But no my dear ladies and gents, thats not the one word I am talking about.

I was giggling to myself about the skit when I saw a post somebody posted in the comments, it reads as follows:

"This is bs, fabricated by a bunch of fucking retarded liberals and niggers."

See how bigotry makes you sound like a douche nozzle? If he had done a little creative editing; if for the fun of it, he had removed the word "niggers" then perhaps his opinion wouldn't be dismissed so quickly to the annals of idiocy. This is, of course, pure speculation so lets try it out.

"This is bs, fabricated by a bunch of fucking retarded liberals."

This sounds slightly less like it was written by Jim Bob of the Hill Folk, and more like it was written by every other blind follower of one particular ideal or another. But, at least the revised statement took you a few seconds to come to the conclusion that the author is full of pig shit.

The lesson? As I stated before, everybody is opinionated and prejudiced about everything to some degree; its just how most people's thought processes are carried out. The goal is to allow each person or situation a chance to change your preconceived notions. That is the difference between normalcy and idiocy.

Fighting the fight against the dumb asses,

For your viewing pleasure:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welcome to Me!

Well...this being my first post, I suppose I should introduce myself.

My name is Sean. I am a nerd. In fact, as of this moment in writing I am listening to a song by Jonathan Coulton called "Re: Your Brains". Its a great song about zombies, look it up sometime. I enjoy video games, tinkering with computers, and other such nerdy activities. I think you get the idea.

My degree tells me that I am a chef, and I do know things about food...that is for sure. (Insert obligatory fat joke here.) It was suggested to me earlier that I should post a weekly cake recipe for irony's sake due to my blog title, and since I am a sucker for irony, it feels like a good idea.

I don't really read many blogs these days except for the occasional blog from an old friend I used to play World of Warcraft with named Rachelskirts. I'm sure I will link her at some point or another. If anything so she will go through and correct my grammar. She gets pretty fired up about that kinda thing. Hey we all have our kinks, am I right? I'm trying to get into this whole blog thing because I occasionally have things to say and this gives me a venue! If anybody actually ever reads this thing...we'll see!

That all being said, I will now put up a disclaimer that I am not all kittens, hugs, and rainbows. I am unbelievably opinionated and tend to use crude words to describe the aforementioned opinions. (Sidebar: Anybody who says they are not opinionated and prejudiced to some degree or another are liars, nobody is above it. They just try to hide it by warm smiles and political correctness.)

My main goal with this blog is to share aspects of my life and get outside input on my own actions, thoughts, etc. I may be a bit of a bastard, but I'm not so vain as to think I am always correct. I will always at least give a glimmer of thought to another opinion beyond my own before I decide that everybody in the world is stupid....except me.

That was a joke. Kind of.

Word to your collective mothers,